Unveiling Insights in Agile
To deliver the right software, it’s necessary to focus on the complexity of the entire business rather than just the technical aspect. Tools are only relevant if they’re used to solve the problem in the right direction. The complexity of the domain is no longer a problem, so speeding up coding with frameworks is not the solution. Understanding the goal complexity is more important than coding quickly.
Using tools to deliver software quickly doesn’t necessarily mean the solution will be cost-effective or scalable. The knowledge about the problem domain is only sometimes sophisticated enough to be turned into software. When implementing Agile, the first step is to create a Backlog. As the Product Owner, develop a roadmap of where things are headed. It’s important to remember that this is a snapshot in time, so don’t over-plan. Plan in enough detail to deliver the next increment of value and estimate the rest of the project in larger chunks. The key message is that everything is done transparently.