The Pursuit of Happiness

Rafael A. George Duval
2 min readJun 19, 2024


True happiness doesn’t come from seeking more but learning to appreciate more. — Socrates

Life is not perfect, but it’s not flawed either.

Happiness is a state of consciousness that results from achieving one’s values. This “subjective well-being” is considered the ultimate goal rather than a means to an end.

Good health and a clear mind are essential to happiness.

The key to finding happiness lies in appreciating and being grateful for what we already have.

A person’s sense of happiness is more tied to their values than their physical location. While happiness can be conditional, joy is unconditional. Detach yourself from stress and anxiety caused by uncontrollable factors. Happiness depends on interpretation, not external events.

Many people believe that their possessions or income determines their self-worth. Yet, once our basic needs are met, pursuing wealth can bring less and less satisfaction.

Prioritizing wealth and success above deeper values can lead to a shallow existence. While wealth is a part of life, it alone cannot bring true happiness.

Focusing on superficial pleasures can also lead to problems like addiction or obesity.

We often hold mistaken beliefs. It’s only sometimes possible to be correct, and striving for such perfection can be frustrating. Admitting mistakes is necessary for growth and learning. It’s essential to recognize that life can be challenging, and trying to remain positive may not solve problems.

To stand for something, we must make choices and accept or reject things that align or contradict our values.

Considering our mortality can help us keep our priorities and values in perspective, letting us let go of trivial concerns. We are responsible for our actions, and acknowledging this responsibility is essential.

[¹]: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life



Rafael A. George Duval

✍🏼 Indie writer, chief editor of | 💻 Software Engineer | 📊 Tech Leadership