How to Use Writing to Learn and Remember
Writing things down opens the door to understanding the essential nature of the creative process.
Writing is not the outcome of thinking; it is the medium in which thought occurs. If you want to learn and remember something long-term, write it down. If you’re going to understand an idea, you must translate it into your own words. If writing is needed for thinking, why not use it to build up resources for future publications? That’s where taking notes comes into the picture. Taking notes is one principle that stands the test of time despite considerable changes in the underlying technology.
Look for relevant notes in your knowledge management system and attach them to corresponding sections in your plan.
To assess your understanding of a topic, use a specific template to review the information in your knowledge management system. This will help you create a plan for your writing project. Your notes can change as you go, so don’t be afraid to adjust. If you need more information, research and repeat the previous steps until you’re happy with your content. Copy and paste note contents into a document based on your research, and rewrite your draft.
With the help of your knowledge management system, you can organize your notes and create a coherent structure for your writing project.