Event-Driven Architecture for Innovative Solutions
As the world evolves, new challenges require innovative solutions. Applications must be adaptable and available in real-time to provide unique opportunities for businesses to operate. Traditional architectures must be more comprehensive to handle real-time challenges at scale, and new problems must be solved. Event-driven architecture (EDA) is a software architecture that allows businesses to ingest, process, store, and react to data, opening new capabilities in operating.
The value of events is that a sequence of related events represents behavior, such as an item added and removed from a shopping cart or users clicking through a site in a particular order. Adopting event-first thinking means starting with the event rather than the concept of command, which underpins event-driven streaming systems. A stream of events captures temporal behavior, and there are many considerations when evaluating event-driven architecture, such as ordering, transactionality, trust, security, lineage, and where the event originated.
The critical realization for adopting event-first thinking is that an event represents a fact and something immutable happened, thus changing the domain model. Circumstances do not exist in isolation, so an event tends to be part of a flow of information, a stream. In the event-first approach, we discard traditional messaging and send events without API coupling to a remote service, allowing for greater flexibility and simplifying the architecture.